Here is to the very Happy New Year 2021!

Oh, what a roller-coaster for the world and travel industry 2020 it has been…..phew! Never in a million years could we have though that we would be keeping distance from “positive” people and be close to “negative” ones. Generation gap has worked the other way round – older generations were often sneaking outdoors and children were shouting at them to remain indoors! Who would have though that it would be absolutely legal to go up to the bank clerk with face covered and ask them for money?! Yet, we are all very much looking forward to 2021 as Covid19 vaccination takes place in earnest and the outlook for sudden bounce back in travel is highly likely.

We at believe that next few months will provide an ideal opportunity to review and reshape travel business technology model and get fit for the future! Our business model is simple, yet very practical and cost efficient, taking into account the fact that large investment plans are hardly considered by anyone. Take a look for example at our STARTER-CONNECT package which is particularly suited to tourism professionals wishing to improve bookings, reduce costs and operate with complete process automation. Please get in touch now at for more information.

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